image of a cloud

I'm Dhruv.

a robotics engineer.

image of a cloud image of a mountain


I am a hobbyist who adores to break things and make them again! I am the Founder and CEO of PiTek Robotics. I love making amazing robots and writing code, to solve world problems. I also love playing my guitar!

My Skills.

PCB Designing

I have developed many PCB's, each for different purpose. I recently made a PCB which let me control my robotic car with my own remote! PCB's helped me keep complex projects concise. I use the open-source software "Kicad" for most of my designing.

Robotics Engineering

I started robotics at the age of 12 when I joined the robotics club at my school. Since then, I have built a strong foundation of robotic concepts! I began working with the Arduino microcontroller boards, and then scaled up my projects to making moving robots and smart drones.

Playing the Guitar

Apart from computers, I also developed a keen interest in guitar during the onset of my teenage years. With roughly 4 years of hard playing, I have mastered the basics of fingerstyle guitar and strumming.

Get In Touch

Like building and breaking things?

Love building and breaking things as I do? Let's do it together!

Contact me